Parmigiano Reggiano is one of the oldest and richest cheeses known. It is produced today basically as it was eight centuries ago: same ingredients, same production technique, same craftsmanship. The origins of Parmigiano Reggiano PDO date back to the Middle Ages, thanks to the work of the Benedictine and Cistercian monks of the Po valley who, between the Apennines and the right bank of the Po, reclaimed the marshes and cultivated the pastures needed to feed the cows. Parmigiano Reggiano is a completely natural cheese, known throughout the world as the “King of Cheeses” for its particular productive, nutritional and organoleptic characteristics. For the production, milk from the evening milking is used, which rests in steel tanks for the whole night.
Parmigiano Reggiano seasoning After being partially skimmed, the evening milk is poured together with the morning milk, into the characteristic inverted bell-shaped copper boiler, without adding any additives. The natural graft whey is then added and heated to 33 ° C. Once the temperature is reached, the calf rennet is added. The mass obtained after cooking is raised and cut in two; each mass is wrapped in a linen cloth and inserted in a wooden or Teflon mold where it assumes its characteristic shape.
This is followed by the marking with the marking fascera, which impresses on the rind: the dotted writing “PARMIGIANO REGGIANO”, the serial number of the dairy, month and year of production. Salting follows, which takes place by immersing the wheel for 16-20 days in a solution of natural salt, and finally the seasoning on wooden boards in suitable rooms with controlled temperature and humidity, which lasts from a minimum of 12 months up to over two years. Only the shapes that pass a very strict selection are branded with the oval fire stamp.